Casey Flather Breen

Casey Flather Breen

Postdoctoral Scholar

University of Oxford


I am a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Oxford. I completed my Ph.D. in Demography and M.A. in Biostatistics at UC Berkeley.

My research develops and applies computational and demographic methods to examine questions in population health. In one line of research, I investigate mortality disparities and dynamics in the United States using large-scale administrative data. In a second line of research, I develop and apply network-based methods to sample hard-to-reach populations and estimate mortality rates in humanitarian emergencies.

View my CV.


  • Social Networks
  • Health and Mortality Disparities
  • Computational Social Science


  • PhD, Demography, 2023

    UC Berkeley

  • MA, Biostatistics, 2021

    UC Berkeley

  • BA, Economics, 2016

    Pomona College

Recent News

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May 2024: I very much enjoyed visiting the Population Studies Group at LSHTM and giving a talk on estimating mortality rates in humanitarian crises using the Network Survival Method.

April 2024: I had a wonderful time in Ohio at PAA 2024. I gave two talks, chaired a session on data infrastructure, and was a discussant for a very interesting session on historical inequality and political economy.

Nov. 2023: New publication — CenSoc: Public Linked Administrative Mortality Records for Individual-level Research.

Jul. 2023: I am delighted to have joined the Leverhulme Centre for Demographic Science at the University of Oxford as a Senior Postdoctoral Scholar in Computational Social Science. (Mentor: Ridhi Kashyap)

Feb. 2023: New publication — Mortality Modeling of Partially Observed Cohorts Using Administrative Death Records