I am a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Oxford. I completed my Ph.D. in Demography and M.A. in Biostatistics at UC Berkeley. I will join the Sociology Department at the University of Texas at Austin as an Assistant Professor in Fall 2025.
My research develops and applies computational and demographic methods to examine questions in population health. In one line of research, I investigate mortality disparities and dynamics in the United States using large-scale administrative data. In a second line of research, I develop and apply network-based methods to sample hard-to-reach populations and estimate mortality rates.
My work has been published in Demography, Population and Development Review, Demographic Research, and Population Research and Policy Review, among other outlets.
View my CV.
PhD, Demography, 2023
UC Berkeley
MA, Biostatistics, 2021
UC Berkeley
BA, Economics, 2016
Pomona College
Dec. 2024: I had lots of fun organizing a CenSoc Users Conference. [Program]
Dec. 2024: New paper in Demography: The Longevity Benefits of Homeownership: Evidence From Early Twentieth-Century US Male Birth Cohorts.
Nov. 2024: I very much enjoyed giving a seminar at Lund University’s Department of Economic History. Great group—biggest economic history department in the world! [Slides.]